Thursday, August 2, 2007



Moody day have came 2 my life's
hmm..i lost money in gamble aiks...
but i wont every game in snooker today
even won someone that i dont think i can won
him haha..but in de end i WON!!!

I just feel like damm moody, hope can go
somewhere far and hight that can let me relax
and shout it loud...but left few more day i will
be going back S'pore, so i hope can go after i wake
up later. First plan is go to genting for 3 day 2 night
or go to Ipoh find my auty since, so long i never
meet them de, miss them so much, but hope i can
find someone go with me. Dont care la!! later wake up
saw what or think of what place then i will go la lolx..
i always do that!! Or take a map hang on de wall, and throw
the knife to the map and see what place the knife hit on haha
in this a great choice!!

My friend from AUS came to visit me that time, i went to watch
movie with her and in de cinema, she skill saying the cinema is
cold lolx!! She ask why M'sia cinema so cold and after movie walk
out the cinema and it is so hot haha..hard to explain lolx!! But
i enjoy the day when me and her together!! Hope can see her next time
and she told me maybe December will come again..and try before my birthday
lol!! Hope so la....

Now wacting movie, after finish my movie i will go sleep lo : )