Yesterday was Jeen birthday, never go out with him! Just give him a call!
He is celebrating with his girl-friend haha! Jeen is one of my Best buddy
When geting bored, i will always look for him lol! Usually we went Somerset
have a drink or Bugis for arcade and gaming lol~
I love X-japan is because of him too lol! he is the one who introduces me
until i get crazy of them haha! X-Japan is cool, specially they love song! Tears
Crucify my love, Loging and Forever love, you will never stop listening once
you heard the first time!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Jeen Birthday
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Cheer Up
Have you even betray from the person you love the most?
Have you even knowing nothing until you found everything
was dishonest? I wonder who experiences this incantation
before? For making yourself feel better, will you deceiving
yourself? lie to yourself?
A new project have come, have to start my work again! Yesterday
i work until midnight 5am! I have no idea at all, i need some
creation inspiration! without it i really dunno how to manage
my brains is blank! I cant start my work with this!
Yesterday i went to Beyond officer website, i saw a news there writting,
they are coming to Malaysia for concert lol! I feel like going, i been
waiting for so many years de! Have to ask Jeen go with me lol! we are both
Fans of Beyond too haha!
Nows i'm doing workouts for abs, Had an achievement de, for the pass few weeks
started until now! Jogging, Sit up, Hanging leg raises, Crunches with this
everyday! So now i got abs de yeah yeah!! I got my body shape de haha! ohya I remember How Min was doing workouts too! haha! I already post up the abs guide
here for him to read it lol!
This few day i feel better de, i know how to manage a problem, i know what
is right what is wrong! I know what is my destination! I known myself
voluntarily I have nothing to be worry anymore! I'm happy with my life's now! Nothing can bring me down! Stay cool!
Abs Guide
1. Abs Myths
Abs myth 1 - If you train abs every day, you're guaranteed a 6-pack.
-Abs is like any other muscle, it needs rest too. You wouldn't do 100 bicep curls every day would you? **Although we use our core alot, crunches, leg lifts, and other exercises are not a natural motion and therefore should not be done every day for risk of overworking them. Also, all muscles rebuild during rest. If you don't give a muscle time to rebuild, it won't. End of story. Finally, studies show that being in a constant state of overtraining can lead to more laxity in your muscles. That means they'll appear softer and less defined.
Abs myth 2 - Sit-ups build your abs the best.-Sit-ups are possibly the worst exercise for strengthening your abs. Your main abs flexor does most of the work and you run the risk of causing abnormal forward curvature in your lower spine as well as back pain.
Abs myth 3 - Crunches build abs the best.-It is usually the last exercise in a lifter's workout and overuse of crunches can cause bad posture.
Abs myth 4 - You can eat junk food as long as you work out right after.-Having a diet, which helps w/ fat loss is extremely important to building/uncovering abs muscles. Look in McDonalds next time. How many people in there have a 6-pack?
Abs myth 5 - It takes years to get good abs.-It all depends on how you train. Training in the correct order and reducing the fat around them is key. People have different body types; it may take a few weeks for some but longer for others.
Abs myth 6 - You can lose your gut and get a six pack by doing abs exercises.-Plain and simple: Your strong abs will never show if you have a layer of fat covering them.
Abs myth 7 - Work your abs to failure. -Its not always the best option because it can lead to overtraining. Mix it up with a number of reps to stop at and going to failure.
Abs myth 8 - Someone else’s workout will work for you too.-Everyone's body is different, just because a workout works for someone doesn't mean it will produce the same results. Half of working out is figuring what works for YOU.
Abs myth 9 - MrSander7x is a professional trainer.
-No, but I’ve been around them long enough to know what I’m talking about (i.e. a world class dead-lifter, 2 competitive bodybuilders, a AAA baseball trainer, several personal trainers, Marines, a Navy Seal, a physical therapist (that can max out almost any machine in the gym) and many others). However, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER take my advice over that of a licensed doctor or professional.
Other Facts:-Side crunches don't get rid of love handles, in fact, I'd suggest not doing them at all. Fat loss is the most important.
-Sit-ups w/ weights can lead to over strengthening certain parts of your abs = lower back pain.
-Nobody is born w/ great abs. It takes lots of work and determination though.
-You can't completely isolate upper or lower abs, but you can put greater emphasis on either.
Now that we have that over with, time for the exercises
2. Exercises
Crunches - Lay down on the ground, so your knees are bent slightly w/ your feet flat on the floor. W/ your hands curled behind your head, slowly lift your shoulders off the ground, squeezing your abs muscles q/ each raise. DO NOT PULL YOUR NECK UP, but make it a natural movement. Lift only your shoulder blades off the ground and hold for 2 seconds before going slowly to the ground. Don't let your shoulders rest. Do 3 sets of 35 w/ only a few seconds in between sets.
Knee Ups - Sit on the edge of a bench, grabbing both sides w/ your hands. With your legs extended out, slowly pull your knees to your chest, squeezing abs muscles once again. Hold for 2 seconds and release. DO NOT BOUNCE. 3 sets of 25.
Knee Raises - Hold an overhead chin-up bar w/ your arms spread just wider than your shoulders. Feet shouldn't be on the ground. Slowly bring your knees towards your stomach so your knees are locked at a 90 degree angle. 3 sets of 10-20.
Twist-Crunches - Raise your shoulders off the ground as in normal crunches and slowly twist your upper body from side to side. Right elbow should turn to your left knee and back. Try 2 sets of 25 with as perfect form as possible.
Pikes - Lay down on your back, arms straight out, legs at 90 degrees; lift your shoulders to touch your toes. At the same time, your lower back/*** should be slightly off the floor. 2 sets of 25 reps followed by crunches will intensify things.
Scissors - Lay on your back, hands behind your head and legs a foot or so off the ground straight out. Twist your torso and bring up your opposite leg so, for example, your right elbow is touching your left knee. Switch sides and repeat 30 times.
Weighted Crunches - Set up a double rope (v-shaped rope w/ 2 knobs at the end) at a cable machine if you belong to a gym. Grab it with both hands, and bring them to the side of your head. Slowly bring your elbows (and the weight) down to your knees and hold it for a few seconds. Try 3 sets of 30 at a decent weight.
Hanging leg raises - Hang from a dip-bar/lat pull-up bar. Bend your knees slightly. Raise your legs to about your belly-button (don't swing legs but focus on abs). As usual, hold for 1-2 seconds and bring them down slowly. 2 sets 15-20 reps.
Leg thrust - *I just learned this one and its great* Lie on your back w/ your hands under your *** for back-support. Your legs should be straight up in the air. Tighten your abs so your legs and lower back go STRAIGHT UP towards the ceiling. Slowly let down. In this one, it's more important to squeeze your abs tightly than to do alot of reps. 2 sets, 15-20 reps.
Stability crunches - Find a stability ball at a gym. Lay with the center of your back on it and do crunches from there.
Leg Raise - Lie flat on your back, arms out at your side. Lift your legs (keep them straight) until they are at a 45 degree angle and let them down slowly. 3 sets of 25-30
Bicycle Crunches - Same as twist-crunches but to the same side. Right elbow to right knee.
Side Crunch - Find a stability/exercise ball lay on your side, torso off the ball, and contract your oblique’s (sides of stomach) and hold for 2-3 seconds. Do 15 reps, switch sides and repeat.
Side Leg-Lifts A.K.A. Windshield Wipers - Lie flat on your back with your legs 90 degrees in the air, arms spread out to the sides of your body. Lower your legs to the right until they are 6-10 inches off the ground bring them back to the top and go to the other side. Do 15 reps of each, 2 sets.
Plank - Get in pushup position but with your forearms flat on the ground. Contract your abs and hold for 30-90 seconds depending on your strength. Repeat twice. If you want to make it harder, put your forearms on a bench and your legs on an exercise ball.
There you have it, some of the best and easiest exercises around.
3. Abs machines
Most of them are good, especially the ABench. If you want to get one, try to find one that has changeable resistance. However, don't rely on these machines. The key is, these won't lower the amount of fat your have coving your abs. **I would suggest, instead of using your money to buy an abs machine, spend it on a gym membership.
4. Cardio workout
Run, bike, swim or walk. Cardio workouts increase metabolism and help you burn off that layer of fat covering your abs. here is a fairly simple, but effective workout:
1. Warm-up at an easy pace for 3-6 minutes
2. Perform 30-60 seconds of HARD exercise (almost as hard as possible, such as sprinting)
3. Perform one minute of moderate exercise (a well-paced jog) to give you time to catch your breath.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 7-12 times.
5. Cool down at an easy pace for 3-6 minutes.
**Make sure you stay in your heart-rate zone! It’s between 145-180 beats per minute (possibly slightly lower depending on your age). When you're in that heart-rate zone, you're burning fat and strengthening your heart the most. When you're below 145 bpm, you're not working hard enough to cause a noticeable loss in fat. Basically, you're just going to lose water-weight from sweating. HOWEVER, if you're above 180 bpm, you're putting alot of stress on your heart. Even worse, instead of burning fat, you're body is going to start burning muscle, and that's never good. I would suggest wearing a watch when you do cardio. Take your pulse with 2 fingers on the artery on the side of your neck every once and awhile. (Don't use your thumb because it has a different pulse or your wrist because it has a weaker pulse). Count how many beats you had in 15 seconds and multiply by 4. You could also get a heart-rate monitor. They're very handy in measuring heart-rate and timing how long you're in your zone. I suggest somewhere around 20-30 minutes. DO NOT GUESS! People who guess are on average 30 bpm's below their actual heart rate.
"As for running times... the time you should run is based on your fitness, level of health, and the amount of calories etc you need to burn (welcome back to your diet).”
5. Diet
None of this will do much if you're eating pizza and cake on a regular basis. Quit counting calories or fat, it's more hassle than you should go through. It all comes to just making healthy choices. Choose an apple over a candy bar. Maintaining and stabilizing your blood sugar levels is important to building muscle and burning fat.
Also, make sure your body has enough nutrients. Eat fruits, whole grains, berries, vegetables, nuts and lean proteins (fish, lean beef, etc). Eating healthy is essential to getting great abs. Also, make sure to drink plenty of water.
6. Personal Trainer
if you're serious about getting in shape, I would definitely suggest it. In all honesty, most people don't know enough about their bodies, nutrition and exercises to meet their goals. If you aren't happy with your current progress, I would consider it.
7. Program
Like I said earlier, what works for one person doesn't always work for another. Be sure to mix up your exercises so your performance doesn't plateau. However, if you'd like a starting point, here's my current abs workout (it changes every month or so).
Days 1, 3, 5:
3 sets of 35 crunches, 3 sets of 25 twist-crunches, 2 sets of 20 Scissors. 5 minute break. 2 sets of 20 pikes, 1 set of 15 knee raises, 2 sets of 25 leg raises, 60 second plank. 3 sets of 20 leg thrusts, 3 sets of 30 bicycle crunches, 3 sets of 30 crunches.
Days 2, 4, 6:
5 minute warm-up jog, 30 second sprints, 1 minute jog. Repeat for an hour w/ 2-3 5 minute jogs included. 10 minute cool-down.
Day 7: Rest
8. Video - - :08min abs technique
9. Summary
Once again, if you eat right, exercise smart and really put effort into your workouts, you'll have a 6-pack in no time. Those magazine-cover models work out every day and are on a strict diet, so don't worry if you don't see those kinds of results quickly, or ever. Just keep working, set goals and get stronger. It's not easy, but it's definitely possible. Plus the chicks dig it.
"You got to try a lot of things, then see what works for you... to a degree it's the same with [personal trainers]... we have to read all the arguements for and against... try most, if not all.. Then see which ones seem to be most right... "
Fitness theory always changes, and so should your workouts.
I hope this cleared up some of the confusion that has been going around here. Stay Healthy, Live Strong.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
woke up around 12pm, take my lunch, 2 packet for Nasi Lemak
Than getting ready for going out de! First i went to Sungai
Wang, shop around and met some of my friends who working there!
After that, i went to Timesquare, i went to borders and search
for my Book Adobe Indesign! after finish reading, is around
5pm de! than i went to Pasar Seni, And walk around, finally i
found something i wan to buy de lol! This is my whole day journal
Tomorrow will be going some computer shop! i wanna buy some web
design template disk! Not sure outside got or not? I have to be
more hard working de, diligently already without enough time, so
I have to Redoubling efforts, hope returns successfully
Several days later was Jeen birthday, so maybe i will be going
back to Spore de! will i come back again! I not sure about that
Class gathering will be on end of August, that time i will come back
haha!Last year gathering was a memories, a sweet memories! how about
this year? I always tell myself not to think about that! but
i cant do it! Sometime i feel so useless about myself!
I heard from a tv program, they say
Behind the success man will always have a women who support them
Behind the success women will always have a moving story
is that real?
Sometime i does not dare to think too far, i cant decide which is
right or which is wrong, or maybe which is wasting time? I have not
known myself voluntarily, really dunno how to decide a thing,i has
not been able to determine a matter! I really hate it! Self-satisfied
does not communicate! just like being suspended in midair
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
How Min Birthday
Today is How Min( Agito aka Mask Rider or Air Gear ) Birthday
We went to have a drink at Station 1, we drank a bucket of beer
and a birthday cake for Min haha! We play around with the cake
making the birthday boy dirty, cream all over his face. still got
21 hour more to end his birthday, i wonder he can sleep tonight or
not! cause he keep saying that he feel so touch lol! So today night
maybe we will be going to WongKok and celebrate again lol! We bought
birthday present for him! A thing that he like it so much!
On afternoon i will be going to KL again! I'm looking for something,
The first time i went there, i cant find it, so now have to go again
Hope this time can find la!
What is my next destination? SECRET
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Freaking Full
Just back from Dinner i mean celebrating HowMin birthday lol!
but the real date is on 22th this coming tuesday, but we celebrating
earlier haha!I ate until got belly inflation de lol! ofcos not only me la!
we ate steamboot just now! since 9pm eat unil 12am! not bad right?
Tomorrow still going for a movie at night! will be watcing
Journey to the Center of the Earth i think! than we plan monday
night before the day HowMin birthday, we went to have a drink!
So who gonna be drunk? Getting ready!
Today Noon went to Sing k With Foon and Mum, first time going
Sing k with them! shit dunno my voice got scare them or not lol!
I know my singing is real bad! about Foon, we use to be very close
last time! but after form 5, we are not anymore! think back, I have
not seen her for so many years de, i think is around 4 years lo
Damm freaking full now and also feel so tired, feel like going to
bed now! but how am i gonna sleep with my stomach still full of
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Here come the friday
Yesterday i suppose to have a drink with friend at Decanter
but i rejected, maybe i'm just too tired!Dont believe this is me
haha! Will be going to sing k on this saturday noon! cos one of
my friends finish her exam de, so accompany her for SingK lol!
Tomorrow i will be going KL for shopping, looking some stuff
that i wanna buy! will be going alone la! alot of thing need
to buy!
Nothing much special with this few day, I am quite stuffy now days
Please give me wonderful day please!!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I will not sing
Certainly you must listen to this song, there was a girl
who same like this mtv, always ask me to sing in de phone
every night i call her and talk, she never
miss it one time for asking me to sing to her before she sleep
even when i'm not happy or normal, i still will sing to her
because i wanna know she is happy, i dont mind singing to her
This MTV really look like my life, but i dont know when will this
happen again!
唱首歌给我听好吗? 我不会唱歌!
这首为你点播的歌 如果我先哭了 怎么唱到最后
是的 感情不是K歌 音阶一字不漏 不见的感动
我也懂 拿MIC的手不能颤抖 紧握着就能感受你比我难过
谁写的 歌词那么适合放手 我怎能舍不得
我努力唱完主歌 我忘了走音没有
我到底哭什么 哭什么 明明搞笑的
我努力唱好朋友 我忘了是谁哭了
就算你 不记得 这首歌 唱完的 是我~
这首为你点播的歌 如果我先哭了 怎么唱到最后
是的 感情不是K歌 音阶一字不漏 不见的感动
我也懂 拿MIC的手不能颤抖 紧握着就能感受你比我难过
谁写的 歌词那么适合放手 我怎能舍不得
我努力唱完主歌 我忘了走音没有
我到底哭什么 哭什么 明明搞笑的
我努力唱好朋友 我忘了是谁哭了
就算你 不记得 这首歌 唱完的 是我
我努力唱完这歌 我忘了破音没有
你心里触动的下一首已经不是我 oh
我努力唱到撕吼 我不怕剩我一个
只要你能记得 这首歌 给我最爱的......
(Simple translate for this song)
whould you sing a song to me? I will not sing!
This is your selection and broadcast song, if I cried first
how am i gonna sing to de end, the sentiment is not the K song
if the scale does not omit a single word it Does not see a single move
I understand you cant shiver when u holding a mic
while i Grips tightly i can feel you are sadder than me
Who wrote the lyrics that are so suitable to let go
How can I not give up, when i sing the main song diligently I forget the tune
why am i crying for i should be obviously smilling
I sing the song name good friend diligently, i forgotten who is crying
Even if you did not remember the person who finish the song is me
I sing this song diligently I forgot the variant pronunciation not
to have, the next song i sing is not your touch at heart anymore
Second defeat
This is my second defeat, finally i know the truth, i feel so silly
I feel so sad! Maybe i should know what to do with my next step
Cant believe that my sincerity trades your unfeeling
finally i understand this word
' If the gambling establishment have benefit
than realm of your love will be frustrated '
不在乎天长地久 只在乎曾经拥有 如要天长地久 珍惜现在拥有
What i know is, I does not care about forever and even and only cared about
once we had before, If you wan to have forever and ever so treasures
what you has now! Am i say the right? anyway! Time have pass
Forget about it!
Min Birthday is coming oh! forget to buy birthday present for him lol!
Will be having a birthday dinner on saturday i think?
Went to have a drink with Junior just now! now only went home!
i call him out just to accompany me for a drink lol! lucky he came
to find me middle of the night 5am! what a man! hahahaha....
anyway, study in Msia or Spore is already not so-called! The most
important is only for studies right!
Monday, July 14, 2008
My Horoscope
My Horoscope for today
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
The Bottom Line
Meeting people sometimes feels like a chore, b
ut today it feels like an adventure.
In Detail
Meeting new people can sometimes feel like a chore, but today it will feel like an adventure when a distractingly fascinating person moves into your orbit. Before you engage in conversation, observe them for a while. Listen to what they say, how they say it, and how people react to it. This is a person who likes to be taken seriously, so you shouldn't send out any messages that you don't really stand behind. Go slowly with this one, and don't get caught up in the excitement.
Chinese Horoscope
You may get a promotion at work or at least some kind of official recognition like a monetary award or a certificate of appreciation. Today is a day that you could really be in tune with your friends. Spend some positive time with them, strengthening and enjoying those close relationships. It might be time to consider starting a family or having another child.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Recently I was thinking how my future, how should i complete my dream
I hoped that I can achieve it! I wanted continue to complete my web design
studies,I Had already looked for several school. I had found two school that
is suits me and my family members is agree too. However one in Singapore
one in Malaysia, i had not decide where to studies yet? In Spore maybe i will
be more assiduous, but in Msia there is some matters that is impossible
to let go! Truly! I did not know how to do decide it! But I Need to go
observation for that school or maybe taking some information from them!
Find one day?
I spent too much energy on it, honestly I'm exhausted, i feel like the whole
world is on my shoulder, I'm just too tired! what should i do?
there is something that i cant contro and cant make the result in that perfectly!
Today I has won Rm50 in the gambling haha! not bad right! in chinese words
赌场得益 情场失意
it mean
' If the gambling establishment have benefit
than realm of your love will be frustrated '
I dunno translate is right or wrong lol! but is that real? haha
AHHHhhh...quite bored today! nothing much to do, have no idea for my design!
there was so many matters want to be clear!
( Guess a song )
Heard that you were very lonely recently, a little chaotic, a little hurried
but i'm not beside you at that moment, what you wish to have from me, but i cant
give you what you wan! I given everything to you but that is not what you wan
from me! Maybe next time we will have our own better relation
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wake up In de morning, got a call from a company ask me for an
interview Tomorrow! but this time, i'm not the one who sent
my resume to the company, is the company who found my resume
in jobstreet lol! look surprise this time!
While just woke up, i were still blur that time
i told the company i can only go for the interview by next week,
after comfirm everything de!hang up the phone, i think back
only i know is Tele-Marketing Executive and is Malaysia Company!
OMG!! how am i gonna reject now! I went online and i recieve a mail
from the company by this lady Vivien Chong! so i decide to send her
a mail, hmmm... hope my name wont get blacklist in jobstreet la lol!
Miss Vivian Chong
I am very grateful you for my affirmation,
I'm so sorry to inform you that! I cant go thought
for the interview by next week.
Actually i'm just looking for an admin jobs than is suits my time.
and also i will planning for over sea study!
I'm not good in Tele-Marketing converation skill
Sorry that never told you clear in the conversation
this morning! hope this matter never give you problem
I wish your company continue success with everything.
Mr Tan
This is only what i can write to make she forget about me la lol!
So sorry la!
Later will have a dinner at Decanter! with all the friends! so
we will be drinking tonight la! Tired!
In our snooker centre, there was a uncle damm LCLY! always say
his snooker very good or whatever! Yesterday i went to snooker
centre! i saw the uncle and he ask me to play a game and say bet
Rm10 than i say oklo! cos i really wanna the see the face when he
lose lol! in de end! I WON haha! won him 40 over point! he damm
Paiseh de lol! than my master come, he ask my master to play lol!
My master giving him 30point and only can shoot blue colour! this
is imposible is damm hard! but finally my master won haha!
now the uncle never talk so much de! Snooker centre Peaceful de lol!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
In my heart
Maybe we have possibly fallen in love, we possibly are also like each other,
but, for any reason we cant. Because of this we cant be together?
Perhaps you and your friend's between loyalty, cant accpet me.
Perhaps to take into consideration family member's opinion,
so you can together with me.
Perhaps to go abroad pursues advanced studies,
you has not wanted me to wait for you.
Perhaps we meet are too early,
had not understood that treasures opposite side.
Perhaps we meet are too late, maybe she have another person.
Perhaps my regret are too late, she no longer waiting for me.
Perhaps we cant ascertaining to opposite heart,
so unable to step over to be more than friend
However even if we being together, we still maintained our friend's relations.
But my moral nature is clear, to this person compared
to others friend there are still many cares.
Even if cannot perfectly justifiable holding your hand when walking together,
we still the friend who nothing which is not discussed.
when you has falling in love to someone, i will pray for heavenly blessing you orally, actually will be indefinite my heart real hoped that you will pursue.
When you encounters the difficulty, i will be able will help you, will haggle over that anything has owed anything. when you and him been miss undertood, i will comfort him saying that me and you only will be the friends,
but in my heart there was still not indefinite.
everyone with their whole life, in their heart they still had such a special friend.
From the very beginning i'm not resigned to only to be the friend,
but has been long, discovered suddenly think that this perhaps is best.
I rather like now care about you,
will always feel better that the day we spend together.
I think to be your friend, because each other will not be jealous,
and also we may nothing which is not discuss. More importantly,
I knew, forever we cares each other.
although we cant be more than friend,
but i will be your special friend, this is also the best way
In your heart's a special friend will be what kind of?
Sunday, July 6, 2008
If my voice can be like that! I will be very happy haha!
But that time, my window or all the grass start breking de!
Even Min Car?? haha
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Last Day Of Fun
Just came back from jogging lol! then
came to online de! yesterday went to watch
movie with Dunno pig kimyen( full name ),we watched
Made of Honour Funny and romance!! haha
like the last part Tom say to Hannah, just wanna make sure
i sleep with the right girl! haha!
yesterday really enjoy alot thanks oh! but today
also will be the last day for me to enjoy la! gonna take
some rest and ready for my work de!
Make of honour
For Tom (Patrick Dempsey), life is good: he’s sexy,
successful, has great luck with the ladies, and
knows he can always rely on Hannah (Michelle Monaghan),
his delightful best friend and the one constant
in his life. It’s the perfect setup until Hannah goes
overseas to Scotland on a six-week business trip...
and Tom is stunned to realize how empty his life is
without her. He resolves that when she gets back,
he’ll ask Hannah to marry him – but is floored when
he learns that she has become engaged to a handsome and
wealthy Scotsman and plans to move overseas.
When Hannah asks Tom to be her “maid” of honor,
he reluctantly agrees to fill the role...
but only so he can attempt to woo Hannah and stop
the wedding before it’s too late.
Movie that i watch in last month!
Mostly once movie in a week
A young man (McAvoy) finds out his long lost
father is an assassin. And when his father is murdered,
the son is recruited into his father's old organization
and trained by a man named Sloan (Freeman) to follow
in his dad's footsteps.
The Incredible Hulk
Scientist Bruce Banner desperately hunts for a
cure to the gamma radiation that poisoned his
cells and unleashes the unbridled force of rage
within him: The Hulk. Living in the shadows--cut
off from a life he knew and the woman he loves,
Betty Ross--Banner struggles to avoid the obsessive
pursuit of his nemesis, General Thunderbolt Ross,
and the military machinery that seeks to capture
him and brutally exploit his power. As all three
grapple with the secrets that led to The Hulk's creation,
they are confronted with a monstrous new adversary
known as The Abomination, whose destructive strength
exceeds even The Hulk's own. To stop it, one scientist
must make an agonizing final choice: accept a peaceful
life as Bruce Banner or find heroism in the creature
he holds inside--The Incredible Hulk.
Kung Fu Panda
Enthusiastic, big and a little clumsy, Po is the
biggest fan of Kung Fu around…which doesn't exactly
come in handy while working every day in his family's
noodle shop. Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an
ancient prophecy, Po's dreams become reality when he
joins the world of Kung Fu and studies alongside his
idols, the legendary Furious Five--Tigress, Crane,
Mantis, Viper and Monkey--under the leadership of their
guru, Master Shifu. But before they know it, the vengeful
and treacherous snow leopard Tai Lung is headed their way,
and it's up to Po to defend everyone from the oncoming
threat. Can he turn his dreams of becoming a Kung Fu
master into reality? Po puts his heart - and his girth -
into the task, and the unlikely hero ultimately finds
that his greatest weaknesses turn out to
be his greatest strengths.
Later 11am have to go out again lo! going to SingK with
Friends, Chong pui & dennis! yesterday after movie
with Kim yen, send her back to class! then i went back
de! i went to snooker centre pass the cue tip to my master
than i went home de! take a nap, woke up by a call from
Howe at 10pm, went out have a drink with him! than back home de!